
Tweedle came to live with us as a foster starting on August 9th. Just four weeks old she was so not the smartest one in the bunch..
Just four weeks old, she spent a lot of time nursing.
Soon her siblings learned to eat regular food, but she would just stand around crying that she was very hungry. I would put her near the food, figuring that the site of her siblings eating would spur her on, but nope.. she was clueless. I put the food in her mouth, which she loved, but she couldn't grasp the fact that the food in the dish was the same thing I was putting in her mouth. So I finally pushed her face into the food. That did it! however she took twice as long to eat as her sisters, and soon would be hungry again. We were certain there was something wrong with her. Then when I handed her off to my husband one day and her leg seemed to come out of joint, we were very concerned.. but at least we had gotten her to eat..
Already furparents to five, we felt more would be adding too much to the fold, but we both agreed that if there was something wrong with her, we would keep her and let her live out her life here. I took her into the doctor who took xrays .. well ok the tech took the xrays, and didn't they say that was a struggle. Being so young, she certainly had a mind of her own!! But everything turned out normal, so we agreed to let her go. Well that wasn't to be. On Sept 23, 2004 she went into be spayed, and she had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. She stopped breathing. The wonderful techs brought her back. I kept her for a few more weeks before trying again with a lesser anesthetic, and she had a bad reaction to that as well. Somehow they got her spayed, but the recommendation was to never let her undergo that again.
I was having a hard time letting her go into the general population with these problems, and the hubby was having a hard time letting her go in general. I took her to an event for the shelter - where she had a great time - but she didn't get adopted so she came home with me. The hubby was thrilled, so it was determined she was going to stay with us. He went to the shelter the next day to adopt her and make it official.
She has blended into the fold very well. She loves Em, and Em loves to lick her, so that works out well. She did end up with an abscess from a bite wound which scared us silly, but she recovered from well. I just need to keep up on her dental care so she'll never need to go in to have a dental. Twee still thinks she is the baby, and wants to get into the foster room on a regular basis. She is pure joy to own though. Loves to purr, totally appreciates being here. I have never regretted keeping her